Two weeks ago, several people contacted me and asked if I wanted to work on some projects with them.  Two were regarding producing, assistant directing, and/or casting and another was to act in a short.

As each request came in, I was very thankful they thought of me; I think highly of those who asked. As creatives (and even in other businesses), we want to be on the forefront of people's minds.
It doesn't always happen, but it is nice when it does.  In order to make it happen, building relationships is important.  So, how do you do that?

MEET PEOPLE:   This may seem obvious, but how can you build relationships if you don't meet people.  Sometimes, "You may have to  kiss alot of frogs...." to find those who you really enjoy creating and working with.   However as you are "kissing those frogs," you are networking, increasing the quantity of people you know, and eventually, you will hold onto to those who share similar values
and goals.

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SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO LIKE THE SIMILAR THINGS:  When you surround yourself with people who have similar interests, values, and goals, you will find you have a common ground and enjoy working with each other.   Don't be afraid to talk about things that matter to you.  You don't want to find yourself in an uncompromising situation or working outside of your comfort zone.  Consequently, expressing what is important to you and listening to what is important to others can help you assess if you would like to nurture a relationship more.   You can meet people with similar interests at conferences, classes, web forums, through volunteering, work etc.
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HELP OTHERS/ELEVATE OTHERS:  Supporting others is a foundation for strong relationships.  Relationships strengthen when people know they can rely on each other for support.  Support can range from encouraging words to tangible short term or long term actions.
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  BE RELIABLE:  Reliability is a crucial trait.  It is being  person of your word and showing it through actions.  It is having integrity.  People need to trust you.   Being reliable and trustworthy builds a strong bond that develops healthy work environments and creates open trusted communication.


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