How do you live your life with abundance?

My dancer friend, Beth, recently died after a five year battle with metastatic breast cancer. During our last visit, she told me how she was thinking about abundance and loved how the word contained dance.

When I think of Beth, I think of abundance and what it means.  To me, when we have abundance in our lives, we feel satisfied even when we have little, recognize the blessings in hardships, look for and find healing aspects when we are sick or wounded (physically or spiritually), and feel the love and kindness in others and are willing to forgive.

Beth, my friend, thank you for teaching me how to live life with abunDANCE and for allowing me to dance with you and watch you dance.     Remembering our times dancing together.  (Beth is to the right of the screen with a ponytail and blue tank/tunic.  I am to the left of the screen with the "bob" and D&R tank).  Choreography by Danny Herman & Rocker Verastique.


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